저는 일상적인 세상을 항상 다른 시각으로 바라 보고 새로운 점을 찾으려고 노력합니다. 이런 습관은 실리콘밸리에서 UX 디자이너로 일하면서, 팀원들과 대화를 통해 틀림이 아닌 다름을 인정하고 서로에 차이를 존중하는 법을 배웠습니다. 덕분에 어떤 문제를 만났을 때, 문제에 원인을 이해하고 해결하기 위해 다양한 시각으로 차이점으로 포용할 수 있는 디자이너가 될 수 있었습니다. 또한 디자이너로 일하면서 개발자와 협업하는 경우가 많았고, 개발자의 시각과 디자이너의 시각에 차이점을 느껴 보기 위해 코딩을 배우게 되었습니다. 사람들이 생활에 불편이 줄어들고 더 나은 삶을 살게 도와주기 위해 항상 노력하겠습니다.
Fast Campus 12th Class
Front-end Develop School2011 - 2017
University of the Arts. PA, USA
Bachelors of Fine Arts Graphic Design2016
UX / UI App Design Workshop
with Designer Santiago Piedrafita2019
AWS Conference
Amozone Web Service Training conference2018
NGO 'Dream for the future' Member
Non Governmental Organization2018
OKTA Trade School Western US United 12th Class
Overseas Korean Traders Associations2017
BAKG Member and Volunteer Work
Bay Area Korean Group [High Tech Experts]2017
Award - CRW Graphic Excellence in Typography
The University of the Arts, PA2016
UKA President
The University of the Arts, PA2011
Award - Scholarship of $52,000 (USD) 2012 – 2017
The University of the Arts, PA
+ Blockchain payment system User Analysis to understand user flow design and user thinking.
+ Design visual communication with hierarchies and balances to create a game environment for efficient user journey. (Typography, color, space, contrast).
+ User-oriented design, using visual language for the user's convenience and understanding.
+ Produce brand guidelines based on design theory.
+ Create supplementary rules such as color, typography, layout, logos, postcards, color concept evaluation, and creation of new templates.
+ Work with user experience issues: Identify user stories and patterns about brand image and shopping products, and provide convenience to returning customers. (Customer profile management, repurchase page)
+ Identify user needs and develop solutions: Identify differences between users to anticipate user behavior, understand solutions, understand user behavior and ideas, and test hypotheses.
+ Conceptual thinking to create video assets and photography across multiple contents (landing pages, digital banner ads, email, web, mobile, tablet, infographics, environments and others)
Identifies problems of existing dating app, compares competitors' apps, and designes new apps by modifying UX for better service
Compare the discomfort I felt with the discomfort felt by other users. Search for uncomfortable reasons and re-design for improve usability
UX project to improve public interests and problems. It shows the process of finding a solution of problem and suggest better alternative.
Analyze VUI patterns for driver safety. Observe user behavior and find ways to correct and control behavior through solution
Design the layout of letters according to typography, photograph, graphic. Also, practiced leading, kerning, tracking, and font hierarchy.
This is ideation project that develops and processes ideas with one inspired resource to produce different results. The output was visually expressed.
Analyze typo system used in real magazine, Design a magazine that provides the relevant information to the target user, and actually print for check final result.
This project is to deliver images to the brand. Design logos, colors, concept and fonts to match on brand concept.